Barzabiel Washburn Reserve

Donor: Purchased by DNRT

Acreage: 38

Year Acquired : 2004


This approximately 38-acre reserve has 1,200 feet of frontage along Shingle Island River. The western half of Barzabiel Washburn is a predominately white pine forest with American hollies, eastern hemlock, and pitch pine. The majority of the understory is dense with native shrubs like sweet pepperbush, highbush blueberry, huckleberry, witch hazel, and spice bush. A small grove of majestic Atlantic white cedar can be viewed from the banks of the Shingle Island River.

The eastern half of Barzabiel Washburn is part of the riparian zone of the Shingle Island River. After heavy or frequent rains, the banks of the river overflow onto the open wet meadow with scattered red maple trees. The water is then absorbed through the filtering soil layers and into the groundwater table. The protection of this reserve is important for healthy water quality. The Town of Dartmouth holds a Conservation Restriction on the reserve.