Mosny Reserve

Donor : Mrs. Pauline A.B. Mosny

Acreage : 7 Acres

Year Acquired : 2003

Volunteer Steward : Sign Up


Pauline Mosny of North Dartmouth has given DNRT approximately seven acres with frontage on the shore of Lake Noquochoke. The Reserve will be an important link in efforts to protect Lake Noquochoke and will benefit all the water and land downstream, including the Westport River and Buzzards Bay.

The northerly section of the Reserve includes 500 feet along the shore of the Lake, with additional freshwater swamp and woodland south of there. Part of the Reserve is typical red maple swamp where walkers are likely to discover sphagnum moss, jack-in-the-pulpit, marsh marigold, skunk cabbage and fern — both cinnamon ferns and sensitive ferns. On the higher land, look for oak, pine, holly, sweet pepper bush and other familiar vegetation.

The Mosny Open Space Reserve will be open to the public for passive recreation (This means NO motorized vehicles!). Access is on the east side of Reed Road, south of Lake Noquochoke. DNRT plans to create a walking path and post signs to guide visitors.