
Bald Eagle

Bald Eagles on the Rise

February 17, 2023

BY LINDA VANDERVEER It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a…bald eagle? Here at DNRT we have been getting increasing reports of bald eagle sightings around town. Some folks are…

Planned Giving

DNRT Launches Planned Giving Campaign

February 17, 2023

Not surprisingly, many of us feel uncomfortable when talking with others about end-of-life planning. Despite sometimes uneasy feelings, considering how we want our legacy to continue on is a wonderful…

Monarch on Milkweed

All About Milkweed

August 9, 2022

August 8, 2022 BY LEAH MCFARLAND There are 72 species of milkweed (Asclepias spp.) native to North America. Here, in New England, we have only 7 species native to our…

Dog with Bandana

Please be a Responsible Dog Owner!

February 25, 2022

BY LEAH MCFARLAND There has been an increase in irresponsible dog walking on DNRT trails over the last few months, so I thought I would take the time to remind…

Tree rings

Nor’easters and Tree Growth

November 2, 2021

BY SOPHIA KARR I am sure given the current condition of the roads and the power lines we are all aware of how the recent Nor’easter affected our personal lives.…

Hand Digging A Runnel

Salt Marsh Migration Work

September 8, 2021

BY LINDA VANDERVEER Being a child of the 1980s, Blondie’s The Tide is High is on a relatively frequent playlist at my house.  But these days the tune is in…

Climate Action through Salt Marsh Restoration

March 17, 2021

by Rishya N. From the MassAudubon Your Great Outdoors Blog When we look to nature, we can find many ways to adapt to and mitigate climate change. Restoring nature so it can perform…

Afternoon Stroll at Howland Reserve

The Hixville Hike – Howland Reserve

March 9, 2021

BY BRUCE TRABAN On February 13, it was my pleasure to be able to lead a walk talking about the History of Hixville, the Howland Reserve property, and dive into…

John Wheeler

Announcing a Partnership with John Wheeler – Team ROSO | RE/MAX Vantage

February 12, 2021

We are so excited to partner with local realtor and DNRT supporter John Wheeler! John will be making a donation to DNRT with each sale he makes. Each new homeowner…