Stocks, Annuities, and Bequests

Bequests: Leave a lasting legacy to future generations by naming DNRT as a beneficiary in your will or living trust.  While your attorney will be the principal advisor in preparing your will or living trust, DNRT can provide you with some suggested wording.

Please notify us of your plans -- we would be honored to include you in our Legacy Society, DNRT's planned giving society that recognizes  individuals who have put DNRT in their will or estate plans.

Gift Annuities: DNRT now accepts charitable gift annuities. A gift annuity is a way to make a gift of cash or securities to DNRT and receive a fixed income for life. They are one of the simplest and most popular gift planning tools in use today.

Stock:  DNRT welcomes gifts of stock and it is easy to do.  In addition to helping DNRT, gifts of appreciated securities has two benefits for the donor: 1) the full-market value of the securities is tax-deductible and 2) if the securities have appreciated in value, capital gains taxation can be avoided.

To make one of these types of donations -- or for more information -- please contact us at (508) 991-2289 or at